Richard Long
Given that I posted about Andy Goldsworthy yesterday, I figured that I should also post about Richard Long. While both Goldsworthy and Long could be mistakenly compared to one another due to their relationship with nature, use of sculpture as their preferred medium and the temporality of their artworks; they are both very different artists.
Long's works are extremely fascinating given that they are so simple and primitive (tamping tracks into the earth through foot steps)- yet they are profoundly human. His work speaks to the temporality of human existence in the face of an epic, monolithic and almost infinite natural world. In this way, Long is very much inspired by the conceptual framework that differentiated classic Romantic painters from painters in other movements. I find Long's work to be humbling, sobering and corrective since he artistically reminds us that civilization is but a blip in the scheme of things. To see more of Long's work, click here. Enjoy, Ben Pobjoy
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